private hands-on brow training
This training course will help expand your knowledge in eyebrow shaping & symmetry, brow waxing & tweezing techniques, building a brand, and social media marketing. Since everyone is on a different experience level, this private session can also be customizable to suit your needs on the areas you feel are more challenging or want to be more confident in (example: tweeze-only brows, brow make-up application, tinting, conversing with clients, social media marketing, etc.)
This training will include:
• How to map, measure, trim, wax, tweeze, and fill in different types of brows
• A detailed guide of recommended products and tools
• An evaluation on your social media marketing approach
• Information on building a brand, expanding your team & business
• Hands-on training on 3-4 brow models
• Customizable session to work on areas you feel are challenging or needs improving
• And more!
Investment: $1,300
to register
Please fill out the form below. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email and further instructions.
training policies
You must be a licensed aesthetician or cosmetologist to attend this training. 50% deposit is due at time of booking and the remaining balance is due at the start of class by card, check, or cash payment. All class deposits & fees are non-refundable. However, if you end up not being able to attend the training, your purchase is transferable to one (1) other licensed aesthetician/cosmetologist. Such transfer must be made at least two weeks prior to start date. Please email for transfer requests.
We reserve the right to cancel a class, at which a full refund will be sent to customer. We also reserve the right to change the cancellation and refund policy at any time. For additional questions or requests, please email us